Montessori Mat Activity For Infants To Preschoolers

Almost all Montessori materials and activities require a workspace. Thus, creating a workspace for materials and activities becomes a top priority for every student.

Hence, setting out a table mat or floor mat for a child is important as it provides its own special space, and the Montessori mat activity comes in handy here.

As a well-versed Montessori teacher and a loving father of two beautiful children, I know exactly how to present mat activities to toddlers, babies, preschoolers, and infants. In addition, I will present the Montessori mat activity here, including its definition, age range, rolling and unrolling, and its direct and indirect aims.

Mat Activity In Montessori:

I have already made it clear that the Montessori mat activity is for creating space for children’s materials and activities.  In addition, this activity benefits children in several ways, which I will discuss later.

First things first, in a Montessori classroom, I begin this activity with my students by showing them a step-by-step demonstration of how to carry, place, roll, unroll, and replace the mat.

My task is to prepare, arrange, and show all the precise movements needed to perform the activity.

To begin with, I took the mat in both hands and showed them how to properly unfold, use, and refold it. Furthermore, I showed them how to properly store and replace the mat when the activity was finished.

While demonstrating the activity, I always keep in mind that I am dealing with toddlers and kids and I deliver the presentation slowly and patiently.

After that, I summon my young students ( 5 in each group) and ask them to do what I have shown.  They make mistakes, and I frequently correct them.

However, at home, I simply instructed my children on what to do with the mat. They followed my instructions and unknowingly completed the Montessori mat activity.

You may use the following guidelines for inspiration:

Montessori Mat Activity

Mat ActivityDescription
Materials to Getshelves, trays, neutral-colored books, and toys to create a Montessori-inspired environment.
Floor Setupa clean and minimal floor space for activities and freedom of movement.
Child’s Workspacea personal workspace for the child using a table and chair.
Purpose of Materialsspecific materials support the development of coordination, fine motor skills, and independence in children.

Rolling And Unrolling Mat:

Montessori Mat Activity

While unrolling a mat is easy on the part of young students, they may sometimes find it difficult to roll it. Hence, I have written down below how to do it effectively:

Rolling a Mat1. Place the mat on a flat surface.
2. start to roll the mat carefully from one end and ensure it stays even and tight.
3. Continue the rolling process until the entire mat is rolled up.
Unrolling a Mat1. Place the rolled mat on the desired spot.
2. Gently unroll the mat while keeping it flat and aligned.
3. Ensure the mat is fully spread out and ready for use



When To Use Mat Activity For Baby?

As soon as the baby reaches the age of 2-2.5 years of age , try  introducing the mat activity.

Are Mats Good For Babies?

Mats that are made of high-quality and non-toxic materials are always good for babies.

How To Carry A Mat In Montessori?

There are several ways children can carry mats in Montessori classrooms, such as by folding them inside their bags, placing them in a separate bag, or holding them in their hands.

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