Montessori Dusting Activity, Dusting Lesson, Worksheet, And Lesson Plans

Montessori dusting activity is part of the practical life exercises. More specifically, it is one of the best and easiest care of the environment activities that makes young children aware of the accumulation of tasks and instills a sense of independence.

One of the beautiful things about this activity is that children learn care of the environment activity without having access to any costly Montessori materials.

Now if you are a Montessori teacher, you can do it in your regular classrooms. On the contrary, if you are a parent you can do it just by observing and instructing your children.

Fortunately, I possess the blessings of being a parent and a Montessori teacher. This is why; I know how to effectively execute a Montessori activity to get the best results from it.

Based on my experience, I here jot down the Montessori dusting activity, lesson, worksheet, and lesson plans.

Montessori Dusting Activity:

Materials Required:

  • A Table
  • Wiping Towel
  • Child-sized Broom
  • Dustpan

Montessori Dusting Activity

After gathering all the materials, I stood near a table littered with dust. Then, I summoned my children and told them what I was going to do.

Step 1: First of all,I took the child-sized broom in my right hand and started to clean the dust gathered around the table. Side by side I was collecting the dust in the dustpan which I was holding in my left hand.

Step 2: Then I kept aside the dustpan and the broom. After that, I took the wiping towel off the table and spread it out. Next, I started to clean the dust from top to bottom of the table using the wiping towel from the table.

Finally, I showed them how to clean the dust from the table.

My children watched the entire process and my daughter shouted first”papa, let me try it”. Then they tried the activity and completed it.

However, at school, I apply a different method to teach the same activity.

Given below is the entire process:

Montessori Dusting Activity

Montessori Dusting Lesson Plan For School

1-Show the cild a dusty table
2-Ask him or her to bring all the dusting materials like towel,duster and dustpan to the table.
-Demonstrate the process how to clean the table using all the materials one by one.
3– Invite the child and ask him if he/she is ready to do the activity.
– Observe and guide the child if needed.
4– Show the child how to return the tray to the shelf.
– Say, “After we finish, we pack everything away for the next person.”
Age Group:2.5 to 4 years.

Montessori Dusting Activity

Dusting Activity Montessori Worksheet:

This Dusting Activity Montessori Worksheet I hope will help educators and parents around the globe:

Dusting Activity Montessori Worksheet
Naming ObjectsTable




Laundry Bag

Steps To Be Followed 

Put the dirty cloth in the laundry bag.

Put the table from top to bottom.

Shake the duster over to the dust bin.

Take the tray to the table.

Return the tray to its original place.


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