I, like many others, consider Dr. Maria Montessori’s inspired- activities as favorable for the growth of my children. As a result, I found that the much-needed focus for the Montessori activities for a 7-month-old could be on language development, related motor skills, and sensory exploration.
As my infants grew 7 months older, I implemented the following Montessori activities mixed with personal touch.
Montessori Activities For A 7 Month Old At Home:
- Grasping Toys: I gave my children soft and safe toys of different sizes and textures to develop a sense of grasping and handling.
- Sensory Baskets: I used to fill a basket with soft toys like fabric balls wooden blocks, rings, rattles, etc, and then encouraged my babies to explore them and perceive them by touch.
- Mirror Play: I fixed a safe unbreakable mirror on the floor and let my children see the reflections and movements themselves.
- Music Time: I was accustomed to playing soft and sonorous songs and rhymes to create a sense of rhythm in my children. Surely, music played a great role as a part of Montessori activities for my 7-month-old.
- Language Development: Another mention-worthy activity was to talk to my babies about things around them. Besides, I showed them colorful pictures and described them to them.
DIY Montessori Activities For A 7 Month Old:
I encouraged my children in various DIY activities as a part of Montessori activities even when they were just 7 months old. For my children’s all-round development, I took refuge in the following DIY Montessori activities:
- Grasping soft and safe toys.
- Shaking rattles.
- Exploring articles of different textures
- Crawling and rolling over a soft or water mat.
- Finding themselves in a safe unbreakable mirror and following movements.
It is essential here that all the above-mentioned activities were done by my children themselves obviously under my strict supervision.
Montessori Games For A 7 Month Old:
Universally Montessori is a fantastic approach for the development of practice skills and the exploration of the world around any child.
Naturally, my children’s engagement in Montessori games was undoubtedly beneficial for their mental and physical growth.
Such being the case, I share with you a few innovative games here:
- Playing with soft and safe toys during tummy time.
- Moving this way and that way before an unbreakable mirror.
- Having sensory experiences while playing with sensory bottles that were filled with colored water or glitters and crinkly toys.
- Playing with hanging toys.
- Playing with sounding shakers, rattles, or little colorful balls.
Montessori Toys For A 7 Month Old:
In a Montessori-inspired environment at home and outside, I offered my children and enriched the environment with the following toys –
- Wooden blocks and fish rattle
- Roly Poly wobble toys
- Rolling ball cylinder
- Crinkly toys
- Fabric ball
- High contrast pictures
- Water Mat
How Do You Play With A 7-Month-Old?
You should play with your child by creating a Montessori-inspired atmosphere encouraging him/her to engage in DIY activities.
What Is A Sensory Experience?
When your child tries to sense his/her surroundings including soft and safe toys, he/she gets some experience with them. It is a sensory experience.

Sumanta De is an educator. He has been teaching students for more than 16 years following the principles of Dr.Maria Montessori. He has a 7-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter.
He is nurturing his children abiding by the principles of Dr.Maria Montessori. His passion for Montessori methods goes beyond the classroom.
Hence, he shares his experiences and insights through a dedicated Montessori blog and a YouTube channel under the name “NewChild Montessori”. He aims to offer valuable guidance to both parents and educators.
Education: M.A. English, Masters in Child Psychology & Bachelor’s Degree in Montessori Teachers Training