The Ultimate Guide To The Montessori Sweeping Activity

Sweeping activity in Montessori is a practical life or everyday living exercise. It empowers children to acquire independence and gain control of their movements.

A Montessori teacher designs almost all the practical life activities because whenever he/she feels that a pupil requires this particular skill for a specific purpose, he/ she promptly demonstrates it before the young individual.

The sweeping activity falls under the “Care Of The Environment” category which provides children with opportunities to learn skills such as sweeping, dusting, and wiping within the classroom.

I have designed this task on numerous occasions, both inside and outside the classroom.

Here’s how:

Montessori Sweeping Activity

Montessori Sweeping Guide:

My sole objective is to teach my children and students how to use a broom and dustpan effectively, thereby promoting independence, coordination, and a sense of responsibility in them.

I know my children and students are in the learning phase now, so I always ensure the environment remains clean and clutter-free.

After that, I show them each step slowly and willingly, allowing them to observe. Finally, I allow my children and my students to attempt the activity.

Materials I NeededMotive
– Broom
– Masking tape or any tape to create a square on the floor
To provide a focused target for the child to sweep debris and practice control of movements.
– BroomTo teach proper broom handling and improve gross motor skills through sweeping actions.
– Dustpan
– Small broom
– Trash can
To enhance fine motor skills, teach precision, and complete the task by disposing of the debris.

Here I would like to add that I always provide encouragement and positive reinforcement during and after the activity.

Montessori Sweeping Guide Step By Step:

Montessori Sweeping Activity

After making all the necessary arrangements, it is high time now to perform the activity.

Step 1: First of all, I selected an area and then marked (with the help of a marker) a square on the floor. This marking helped the children to locate their target area of the activity.

Step 2: Next, my task was to show the children how to hold the broom properly with both hands. In addition to this, I showed them the position of the broom for better control.

Step 3: Once I completed the demonstration, I asked the children to do the activity. Moreover, I occasionally assisted them whenever needed.

Montessori Sweeping Activity

Step 4: Finally, my duty was to show them the use of dustpan. After cleaning the mess from the floor their duty was to take all debris into a dustpan and then throw it into the trash can.

Above all, I praised the children for their effort and for completing the task.

Here, I would like to add that if I were working with my son and daughter, I always encouraged them to complete the task as a team.

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