In Montessori Curriculum “Cleaning Activities ” belongs to the exercise of practical life. Its sole purpose is to refine motor skills, regulate attention, and develop self-confidence in young children.
I have successfully implemented these activities with my students at school, and I have also done exactly the same with my son and daughter when they were preschoolers.
There are several similar Montessori cleaning activities among which I prefer ‘Table Washing’ the most.
Here’s how I did it:-
Montessori Cleaning Activities For Students:
I, as a Montessori teacher, often get a chance to stipulate the practical life activity of cleaning and washing tables to my young students. Furthermore, the process of observing a group of young children accomplishing this activity always fascinates me.
Although table washing, at first glance, may seem a trivial task but in a Montessori classroom it is much more than just cleaning. In a word, it engages a child’s concentration, motor skills, and sense of independence.
When I bestow this task to my young students, I always break it down into a series of steps.
I assign different works to different students.
For example- each child remains responsible for – wetting the table, scrubbing it with a sponge, wiping it dry, and then putting everything away.
Again I emphasize it may appear to be just cleaning tables after meals but in actuality, it is a highly organized activity that enables children to understand sequences, refine their movements, and above all, makes them feel the pride of completing a task on their own.
I can vividly remember the face of one of my students who was hesitant at first but with my assistance, he began to perform the steps with confidence and ease. The rest of the classroom was quiet and focused in their activity.
The students, I believe, thus build confidence after completing such activities.
Montessori Cleaning Up Activities For Preschoolers And Toddlers :
When my son and daughter were at the preschool stages, I introduced them to Montessori-inspired cleaning activities.
It was the ” Montessori Toy Cleaning Activity ” in which they jubilantly took part and completed the task.
Here’s how I structured the activity:-
Set-Up :
Materials- A small basin of water, a sponge or soft cloth, a towel, and a few washable Montessori toys (Plastic & Wooden Blocks)
Steps I followed:
Filling The Basin: I guided them to fill the basin with a small amount of water. Then, I showed them how to pour water carefully from a pitcher .
Washing The Toys:
I directed them to pick one toy each and gently scrubbed it with a sponge. I always assisted them in how to dip the sponge in water.
Rinsing: After they finished scrubbing, they would rinse the toy in the basin.
Drying: Next, I told them to rub the toys with a towel to dry.
Finally, they put the toys back where they belonged.
Observations: I found both my son and daughter loved this activity. They unknowingly experienced the joy of contributing to the family through simple tasks.
What Are The Benefits Of Montessori Cleaning?
The benefits of Montessori cleaning are building concentration, muscle control, and coordination in young children. Additionally, it brings a sense of pride in young individuals as they successfully accomplish a task.
How Do You Clean Montessori Materials?
One can clean Montessori materials in different ways. The best way to clean a Montessori wooden material is to apply mild dish soap and for cleaning plastic materials one can use mild hot water and dish soap.
What Is Montessori Dish Washing Activity?
Just like the Table Washing activity, Dish Washing is also a Montessori practical life activity that serves the same purpose.

Sumanta De is an educator. He has been teaching students for more than 16 years following the principles of Dr.Maria Montessori. He has a 7-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter.
He is nurturing his children abiding by the principles of Dr.Maria Montessori. His passion for Montessori methods goes beyond the classroom.
Hence, he shares his experiences and insights through a dedicated Montessori blog and a YouTube channel under the name “NewChild Montessori”. He aims to offer valuable guidance to both parents and educators.
Education: M.A. English, Masters in Child Psychology & Bachelor’s Degree in Montessori Teachers Training