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The 5 Areas Of Montessori Practical Life Education

Maria Montessori’s educational philosophy is unique in every respect. It aims not only at helping children gain specific skills but also at encouraging independence, concentration, and self-regulation.

In it the “Exercises Of Practical Life” play a significant role in shaping a child’s overall development. There are five key areas of Practical Life.

They are Care Of The Environment, self-care, Control Of Movement, Food Preparation, and Grace And Courtesy. 

Here’s how the 5 areas of the Montessori method contribute to the overall growth of a young individual

5 Areas Of Practical Life Montessori:

In a nutshell, the exercises of practical life are the foundation area of the Montessori Curriculum.

It not only develops self-confidence but also refines motor control. Herein lies the importance of Montessori practical life and the nourishment of its 5 areas properly.

Thus, without getting impulsive children can make choices using their willpower.

Montessori Practical Activities List:-

  • Self-Care-

(a) Brushing teeth

(b) Hand washing

(c)Combing hair

(d) Dressing

(e) Pouring water

(f) Doing up own things

Montessori Practical Life Education

  • Practical Life Skills:-

(a) Properly using a spoon, a fork and a knife

(b) Carrying a tray with necessary objects.

(c) Folding clothes or napkins

(d) Opening and shutting doors quietly.

  • Care Of The Surroundings:-

(a) Sweeping and mopping floors

(b) Polishing shoes and furniture.

(c) Watering Plants

(d) Dusting Shelves

  • 4) Graceful Manner –

(a) Greeting others politely

(b) Waiting for one’s turn

(c) Telling ‘ please ‘, ‘ Thank you’, and ‘ welcome’

(d) Serving food to guests and others.

  • 5) Preparation Of Food Items –

(a) Spreading butter or jam on bread.

(b)Making juice

(c) Washing vegetables and fruits.

(d) Peeling off eggs.

Care of environment for Montessori activities I consider that for a child’s overall growth, creating an environment for Montessori activities is a must.  Regarding it, I am jotting down here some guidelines:-

Practical Life-

Here I added areas for some easy activities like cleaning, gardening, and taking care of self.

Built-up Environment-

  • For this, I alternated or rotated articles in the environment,  and prepared for my child according to his or her interest and his or her stage.

Maintenance Of Order-

(a) In respect to this, I readied a clean, well-organized space or a shelve where every article has a fixed spot.

Easy Accessibility-

(a) At it, I ensured different things, toys etc within the reach of my children so that they could grow independence.

Safety And Comfort-

  • Needless to say,I ensured a safe and comfortable environment for my children. Furthermore, I considered children-proofing when and where necessary.

Natural Atmosphere-

  • To enhance my children’s interest in the environment,  I incorporated plants, flowers, and natural light to create an inviting atmosphere.

I deem that the above-mentioned approach is one of the five areas of practical life for Montessori and it surely increased my children’s curiosity.


Areas Of Practical Life Montessori Activities For A 5-Year-Old:- 

Regarding the 5 areas of practical life in Montessori,  the following activities are significant and they highlight coordination,  concentration, and the development of independence.  Besides,  a sense of order grows in a child. The activities are:-

  1. Motor Skills –

(a) Transferring objects with tongs or spoons to other containers.

(b) Carrying little heavy objects from one to another.

(c) Completing puzzles.

  1. Care Of The Environment-

(a) Sweeping, dusting,  mopping, cleaning floors and tables, etc.

(b) Feeding pets and washing them too.

  1. Self-Care- 

(a) Brushing teeth, and hair and washing hands.

(b) Tying shoelaces, buttoning and zipping clothes.

  1. Food Preparation-

(a) Spreading butter or jam on slices of bread.

(b) Mixing food ingredients.

(c) Placing plates, bowls, napkins, etc on a dining table.

  1. Showing Courtesy-

(a) Uttering ‘ please’, ‘thank you ‘, and ‘, welcome’ to others.

(b) Introducing oneself to others.

(c) Listening to others waiting for their turn to talk.

5 Areas Of Montessori Classroom: 

As I have a daughter of 5 years, I love to attach her to the Montessori-inspired environment and classroom. As a part of practical life in Montessori,  a classroom is attention-demanding.  Here I take down five main areas of a classroom:-

 Sensorial Activity- This is a meaningful activity for sensory experiences like sight , sound , taste , touch and smell. For refining the senses of a child, I like a child to work with various materials in a classroom to differentiate senses.

Language– I think regarding the linguistic development of my children activities like reading, writing, and verbal communication are significant in a classroom.

Practical Life – I deem that for my children activities like spooning, cleaning,  buttoning,  and tying are easy. But these simple tasks result in coordination,  independence, and motor skills.

Mathematical Ability- This ability surely strengthens my children in counting, number recognition,  addition,  subtraction,  multiplication, and division though they must be age-appropriate.  Montessori-inspired maths introduces my children to concentrate on hands-on activities.

Cultural Ability-  I do think this is the most interesting as it encircles science, geography,  history,   art, and music. My children certainly grow interest in these.  As a result,  this broadens my children’s understanding of the world and increases curiosity.

I followed the above, I am sure my children will be sophophilic and get holistic development.

activities like cleaning, gardening,

Montessori Practical Life Skills By Age:- 

In 5 areas of practical life Montessori, these skills are momentous. Naturally,  I followed these for my children.

Through all these, I wish to focus on coordination,  concentration, and the development of independence in my children.

Montessori Practical Life Skills By Age
1. Infants ( 0- 1 year)3. Preschools ( 3-6 years)4. Early Elementary ( 6- 9 years)
(a) Grasping and releasing toys/ objects.(A) Self-Care –(A) Household Works-
(b) Pointing and following moving objects.Dressing and undressing on their own.Sorting laundry for washing
(c) Reaching for toys.Combing hairFolding dry clean clothes
2. Toddlers(1-3 years) Polishing shoesPreparing a bed
(A) Self-Care-(B) House-hold chores-(B) More Self-Care-
Brushing teethSetting the dining tableTaking bath independently
Washing hands and faceArranging things in orderPolishing shoes and tying shoelaces.
(B) Feeding-Sweeping floor(C) Cooking-
Washing fork, spoons(C) Courtesy-Using kitchen tools safely
(C) Cleaning-Greeting others according to time and occasion.Measuring ingredients for an item
Dusting tables, shelvesWaiting for their turn(D) Social Skills-
Wiping split liquids(D) Food Preparation-Entertaining guests.
(D) Motor Skills-Spreading butter/jam on breads.Writing ‘ thank you ‘ notes to wellwishers.
Solving puzzles with large piecesWashing vegetables.
Stringing beads, buttons
5.Upper Elementary (9-12 Years)
(A) Heavy Cooking-
Baking cakes , biscuits, cookies
Preparing meals of different sorts.
(B) Time Management-
Planning programs and organizing the schedule.
Setting personal goals.
(C) Household Management-
Cleaning, washing
Doing up the bathroom articles.
(D) Community Connection-
Volunteering in various situations.
Taking part in community services.


What Are The Five Areas Of Montessori?

The five areas of Montessori are Care Of The Environment, Self-care, Control Of Movement, Food Preparation, and Grace And Courtesy.

What Are The Practical Life Experiences According To Montessori?

According to Maria Montessori, practical life experiences refer to those activities which enable children to gain essential life skills. These activities mimic everyday tasks and empower children to develop independence, concentration, and coordination.

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